Signs a Baby Is Ready to Potty Train

Recognizing the Right Time for Potty Training

by Coterie Team

Potty training is a pivotal time in a child’s life–it’s one of the first steps towards their independence. As parents, we must help them through this process the best we can. That starts by properly recognizing when they’re ready to advance into pants, ushering in a gentler transition into potty training.

There are several tell-tale signs that a baby is ready to do their business on their own, like if they can control their bladder, recognize if they’ve soiled their diapers, communicate when they need to go, pull up or down their pants, or follow basic instructions.

When a Baby Is Ready to Potty Train

A baby’s potty training readiness hinges on their physical, development, and behavioral growth–not their age. Remember that you can only effectively teach your kid how to use the potty when they’re ready; you can’t force them to do it if they’re not. To know if they’re ready, here’s a list of signs you should look out for:

They Can Stay Dry for Up to Two Hours at a Time

As kids grow, they’re able to better control their bladder (controlling their bowel movement starts even sooner). Once your child can go one to two hours at a time without soiling their diapers, this means that they can stop themselves from soiling their diapers and start practicing to make it to the potty to do their business.

They Can Tell if They Have a Soiled Diaper

When your baby can tell that they have a soiled diaper, it signals that they can understand their body better and recognize how it functions. At this stage, it’ll be easier to teach them the concept of potty training.

They Can Recognize and Communicate When They Need to Go

Being able to recognize and communicate when they need to go to the can is one of the best signs that a baby is ready to potty train. It exhibits that they’re self-aware and that they can control their bladder enough to tell you they need to wee before they do.

They Can Walk and Sit on a Toilet

You can only potty train a kid who can perform the steps to do it. When they’re able to walk and sit on the potty, it’ll make a convenient and quick transition to the toilet.

They Can Follow Simple Directions

Potty training requires your child to be receptive to being taught, and that necessitates them being able to follow simple directions. Their comprehension should be enough that they can learn from your instructions.

They Can Pull Their Pants Up and Down

Pull-up diapers are often used for potty training, so your kiddo must know how to pull their bottoms up and down to take a wee on their own.

Using good training pants, like Coterie’s The Pant (that boasts extra absorbency!), is the best way to help your kid transition into potty training. This type of diaper allows them to conveniently go to the toilet on their own, while still being a good backup just in case they don’t make it.

How to Potty Train

Once you see the signs that your baby is ready to potty train, it’s time to get to it! Start by explaining to your child the concept of going to the toilet. A good way to tackle this is to talk about it every time you change their diaper, explaining to them what a soiled bottom means. You can also show them how a toilet works.

Once you get them their own potty, you can leave it where they can see it and illustrate how it works. It’s often best to place a potty in the bathroom so that they can associate the place with relieving themself, but you can also leave it somewhere they frequent (like the living room) so they can go as soon as they need to.

If you have an older child, it may help if they can show their sibling how to use the toilet (or you can do this yourself!) since children learn by watching and copying. Remember to use your words and be as descriptive as you can.

Potty Train With Coterie’s The Pant

When you’re ready to potty train your baby, it’s time to get them pull-up pants! Coterie’s The Pant is designed for movement, making for easier changes and more comfortable movement for active kids.

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